Saturday, February 13, 2016

Dear Seller, Does This Work?

home is where the heart isDo "Seller Love Letters" Work?

  Anything that can make your offer stand out will HELP. The problem with these love letters in today's market is that everyone writes one. After the second or third "we know we might be lower than others, but we really love your house" letters, the idea has worn thin.

  What if I really pour it on and get creative? We have done and seen it all,  kids hand written letters, pet paw prints on the signature line, and pictures of Grandma smiling with the hopes of moving in to the first floor bedroom. All things being equal, these can leave a positive impression, but more often than not all offers are not equal and the best offer usually wins every time.

  What else can I do to get noticed?
 Understanding the Seller's needs and catering to those will go further than the usual Love Letter.

If you think about it would you rather have a letter asking for your help with someone else's problem or a letter explaining how some one else can make your life a bit easier? Giving a longer closing time for seller's that are still looking for suitable housing or quicker closing times for estate sales to save them property tax/insurance money will weigh more heavily on a decision than accepting your terms so that fluffy has a nice yard to play in.

 Simply increasing your initial deposit can make you stand out. Imagine sitting down and reviewing 3-4 offers and seeing 3 checks for $1000 and one for $5000. Where are your eyes going to go? In my opinion, every offer in every market should have a cover letter explaining the following three things:
  1.  How you arrived at your offer price
  2. The benefits of accepting your offer
  3. Why you want to buy this house
If someone is willing to overpay in a multiple offer situation or if you are financing and someone else has cash, you are more than likely going to lose the war.  You can only control the factors in your hands. Make those as Seller friendly as possible, highlight them,  explain how it helps and then hit them with some crayon and paw prints for good measure.

 Put our 10 years of experience of working with Buyers to work for you!  Call us today at 978-882-4659 or go to   get started.

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